Dog Training Goals And Training Plan, The Basics
Training your dog is an absolute necessity there is no doubt about that, the big question is how do you do it? Please read on for some very valuable information and advice on how to make dog training easier and a more successful endeavor for you! Soon you will have a smarter and better behaving dog and the two of you will be much happier for it!
To help you train your dog so it is obedient and well behaved, it is important to show the dog you are the pack leader. This means showing a dominant presence so the dog understands that he is not the leader and he must follow your command. If you follow this key step, you will be on your way to training your dog effectively.
Start slowly if you have an aggressive dog. A sudden change in your behavior can be seen as a challenge if your dog already considers himself to be the alpha dog in the pack. Make sure that you don't approach with aggressive behavior or it will take a lot longer to get your dog in an accepting, learning mindset.
It is important to understand your dog's temperament, and what type of training fits for your dog. Not all dogs are alike, just like not all humans are alike either. One training trick that may work for one dog, may not work effectively when training a completely different dog.
Research how to show your dog leadership in a way that a dog understands. Dogs are not humans, and do not think as humans do. Not knowing the proper way to teach leadership to a dog, allows him to assume he is your leader. If you confuse the dog, it may stress him and cause him to act out in negative ways such as barking incessantly, biting, or tearing up your property.
Don't get discouraged. It may seem like it is taking forever to train your dog, but the truth is that you simply get tired out more quickly than your dog does. Even when it's hard, make sure that you keep trying. Stick with it and you'll start to see results.
Your dog needs attention but you need to show him affection or play in a way that trains him to see you as the leader. When a dog tries to get you to pet him constantly or asks you to throw a ball for hours, it may be because he assumes he is your leader. Ignoring his requests for constant attention, and ignoring the ball until you are ready, helps him to understand who is in charge.
Never physically abuse your dog or yell at them. A good leader takes time to research how to effectively train a dog, and does not need to yell or be violent. Swatting your dog with a rolled up newspaper or your hand only creates fear in your dog. Causing your dog to fear you causes your dog to act out in other ways which creates more problems.
Feed your dog twice per day (or number of times your veterinarian recommends), and then take the food away after 15 minutes. When giving treats, ask your dog to sit or lay down, so they understand treats should be earned. When your pet understands you are the food provider and treats are not simply free, they see you as the leader.
Dog Training
A common misconception in dog training is that you should punish bad behavior. If you punish bad behavior, you are actually reinforcing that behavior. You strong reaction will imprint whatever the dog has just done on its mind. Instead, ignore bad behavior, redirect to some good behavior and then reward that.
An important rule of thumb in dog training is that people lead and dogs follow. Never let your dog lead you around while it is on its leash. Make short, sharp, well defined corrections with the dog's lead to bring it back to heel. Your dog must learn that you are the one directing things and it is not.
Remember that your dog training is going on 24 hours a day. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you are only training your dog during your obedience classes and practice sessions. Your dog is watching and learning from you during every interaction you have with it, so be sure you are always reinforcing good behavior.
After reading this article you should be a little more prepared to tackle the task of training your dog. Take the tips and tricks you have learned from this article and apply them to a basic routine that is the same every time you work with your dog. Although it may not be the easiest task in the world, training your dog is of great benefit to him, everyone he comes in contact with and more importantly it will really enable you to enjoy life more too!
Written on Saturday, June 16, 2012 by 5 Star Hotel
Dog Training Goals And Training Plan, The Basics
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