The Best Dog Training Starts With The Owner
A happy dog is a well trained dog and just choosing to make this happen is step in the right direction! Too many dogs are left untrained and jump on everyone, chew end tables and bark all night! Your dog will be better off once trained and of course, so will you so read on for some fabulous ideas on how to make the job of training your dog a little less hectic!
Never physically abuse your dog or yell at them. A good leader takes time to research how to effectively train a dog, and does not need to yell or be violent. Swatting your dog with a rolled up newspaper or your hand only creates fear in your dog. Causing your dog to fear you causes your dog to act out in other ways which creates more problems.
Dog-proof your home if you know that your dog is prone to chewing and biting everything in sight when the family is out. If you don't want to crate your dog, you will have to act as if there is a baby in the house and remove access to those things that your dog may get into when you're gone.
Show your dog what is your territory and that you are leader of that territory. If your dog sits in your spot and you sit elsewhere, or if he lays in the middle of the doorway so that you step over him, your dog thinks he is the leader. Do not be violent, but you should nudge your dog calmly to get up each time so that he understands it is your territory, and you are the leader.
In order to properly train your dog it is a good habit to always use your pet's name to get his attention. This will reinforce your control over you pet and it will be beneficial in the long run. This can be done when calling your pet for food or even when playing simple games.
When training an aggressive dog you should begin training them slowly to show them you are the alpha. If you start out too quickly with alpha behavior on your part, an aggressive dog may think your behavior is a threat, and return an aggressive response. A good example of this is taking a dog's food from him when he thinks he is the alpha and he is your leader, which could cause the dog to bite you.
Leaders should always go first, and you should teach that to your dog. If you walk through doors and your dog rushes past you through the opening, it means you do not have control and your dog believes he is leader. Blocking the door so he can't get through first, or teaching him to sit or stay while you walk ahead, helps him understand he needs to stop and follow your lead.
Be consistent. It is going to take a lot of work to train your dog, and if you aren't consistent you undo all the work that you did in the first place. You have to teach your dog the way to behave, and that is true whether you feel great or whether you're busy, stressed or sick. Consistent behavior from you leads to consistent behavior from your dog.
Reward good behavior. This reinforces your dog's positive behavior and makes him want to do more so he can have more of the reward. The most common way to do this is with a treat, but it doesn't have to be. You can reward your dog with praise or playtime too.
Dog Training
Remember that your dog training is going on 24 hours a day. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you are only training your dog during your obedience classes and practice sessions. Your dog is watching and learning from you during every interaction you have with it, so be sure you are always reinforcing good behavior.
An important rule of thumb in dog training is that people lead and dogs follow. Never let your dog lead you around while it is on its leash. Make short, sharp, well defined corrections with the dog's lead to bring it back to heel. Your dog must learn that you are the one directing things and it is not.
A common misconception in dog training is that you should punish bad behavior. If you punish bad behavior, you are actually reinforcing that behavior. You strong reaction will imprint whatever the dog has just done on its mind. Instead, ignore bad behavior, redirect to some good behavior and then reward that.
Consider the advice you have read in this article very thoroughly and write it down if necessary. A training manual would be a good aid to working with your dog and this article would make a great beginning for it. Hopefully you have learned a lot and are now prepared to produce a smarter, well behaved dog you will not only be very proud of, but have a lot more fun with!
Written on Thursday, February 9, 2012 by 5 Star Hotel
The Best Dog Training Starts With The Owner
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February 17, 2012 at 1:39 PM
Have to say my three are some of those that do get rather excited over the little things!
Golden Retriever Training
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