Avoid your Dog from Stealing Food & Your Personal Items

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Avoid your Dog from Stealing Food & Your Personal Items

Dogs steal food for obvious reasons. The problem is easily managed by keeping
food items out of reach. Stealing other items, however, is a more complex
problem and requires more extensive investigation before correction is

Your Food
Stealing food is simply eating that which is appealing. In most problem cases,
the pet has been given food items in certain situations, and expected to ignore
the same food at other times, or a naive dog has the opportunity to take food
when the owner is not present. The simplest approach to correcting a food
stealing problem is the realistic approach.


This requires that the owner take
special and basically sensible measures to deprive the pet of the opportunity to
steal food. It also avoids the need for punishment or the more sophisticated and
time consuming methods used with puppies.

The puppy training methods may be tried if the owner wants to make the
sacrifice, but only in conjunction with the standard rule, "Never leave food within
the dog's reach."

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