Does Your Dog Have Problems With Fighting Other Dogs?
Dogs that have severe fighting problems with other dogs are the ones that cause
their owners the most worry. It is this vice that many owners hope a psychiatrist
will be able to probe and cure, but since this is the process of investigating into
the past of a dog's mind, which cannot be probed because the dog cannot
answer questions, no progress can be made with psychiatry.
That does not mean we cannot understand a dog's present state of mind.
Although past events might have had disastrous effects on the dog and might
have affected his mind and emotional makeup, it would have to be the owner
who is psychoanalyzed to find the answer to the dog's problems. But because
few owners would have the nerve or sense to go to a human doctor to find out
why their dogs fight, I think we can leave out this subject too.
A dog fights for several reasons, usually the right to survive, whether this be
taken as the right to eat and live peaceably or simply that the dog wants to live
up to a certain standard whereby he has no enemies or neighbors that irritate
him. We do not know which motive fits each individual case. What we do know
is that dogs pretend to fight in play, mauling each other in a rough and tumble
which nobody minds. Puppies have mock fights all the time to strengthen their
limbs and develop their jaws and to wear off their superabundance of energy, but
the subject we are looking at here is serious dog fighting, which is dangerous for
dogs and humans and has been known to end in death for the smaller and
weaker dog.
Even if the fight is not so bad as to end in death it can cause the owner of a dog
to have a heart attack from fear or people can be bitten. It is most unpleasant
and terrifying, to say the least. Most people don't realize it takes only a minute
for two dogs to get really to grips, before that they are playing for a hold.
Therefore, when you go to separate a dogfight, there is no need to rush in and be
bitten. It is far safer to watch at close range until you can safely get a hold of a
collar or of the loose skin between the eyes of the dog.Once a dog has got a hold on another dog, it is unlikely that he will turn around and bite you for to do so he would have to release the other dog.
You are reasonably safe when it has got a hold in slipping a lead on or grabbing the
choke chain or scruff. It is generally useless beating the dogs in a dogfight; they
would be mentally unaware of pain at that moment, and unless you knocked
either dog out you would not separate them once either had a real hold.
Written on Saturday, March 28, 2009 by 5 Star Hotel
Does Your Dog Have Problems With Fighting Other Dogs?
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Does Your Dog Have Problems With Fighting Other Dogs?

Written on Sunday, March 15, 2009 by 5 Star Hotel
Helping A Battered Dog Gain Confidence By Using Nonphysical Methods
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Helping A Battered Dog Gain Confidence By Using Nonphysical Methods

Helping A Battered Dog Gain Confidence By Using Nonphysical Methods
A dog that has been over-punished lacks self-confidence. Therefore, such dogs
should be allowed to succeed. This is fortunately a simple process with dogs.
They are dramatically quick to learn from people when taught by nonphysical
methods. Even a simple 3-part exercise, performed daily, can bring about a
behavior change in a few days. All that is needed is to crouch down, say "Rover,
come," and heartily praise when it responds, even if it only looks at the owner. If
the pet urinates on the way, the praise must be continued. The wetting usually
disappears as confidence improves. When the dog comes all the way, it should
be petted, preferably on the throat and chest to eliminate fear responses that
may be caused by hands over or on top of its head. Most shy dogs usually come
readily to a crouching figure.
The "Sit" command is simple, once the pet comes dependably. A hand is held
up over the dog's rump as the words "Rover, sit" are spoken. The dog usually
looks upward, and should be praised by happily saying "Good, sit," but without
bending down or petting. If this is patiently repeated a few times, most dogs will
sit down. The spoken praise should be followed by petting. It is important not to
bend over from the waist to pet shy dogs, as this movement often signals
possible punishment. Crouching avoids bending over, and is friendly and
reassuring. Pushing down on its rump, holding, or otherwise manipulating the
pet must be avoided. Physical force is at the root of most submissive behavior
and interferes with effective learning.
The second part of therapy requires that owners avoid punishing the pet. If other
behavior problems exist, these must be resolved using nonphysical methods and
as light as possible. Self-control is a major challenge to most dog owners;
however, after they see the progress usually achieved in a few days, their
feelings that the pet "needs to be told it has done wrong" usually crop up. Any
backsliding on the owner's part is quickly reflected by regression in the dog. This
feedback provides an effective control mechanism to which most owners are
highly sensitive.
A third step in correction is used for dogs that respond submissively to persons
outside the family. If a few friends are gathered to reinforce the owner's
teachings, the dog usually responds satisfactorily. Correction in most cases
requires only a few minutes on 2 or 3 occasions. Older dogs with a persistent
problem may require longer training periods. This approach to correct overly submissive behavior in shy dogs assumes the pet is healthy, so that no possible
organic influence interferes with the learning capabilities of the animal. Total
rehabilitation can be expected in 6 weeks when the process is carried out daily.
Written on Sunday, March 8, 2009 by 5 Star Hotel
Training Your Dog To Rid His Possession Of Dog Bones
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Training Your Dog To Rid His Possession Of Dog Bones

Training Your Dog To Rid His Possession Of Dog Bones
Training your dog to give over or drop objects such as bones and toys can
prevent him from becoming aggressive over what he perceives as his
possessions. You may want to take the attitude that everything you give the dog
is on loan. Out of the goodness of your heart you either share or loan the dog
food, bones or toys. When you want the items back, the dog must give them up
without a bite.
To train the dog to give up a really delectable bone, condition him to give up
other, less desirable objects first. To begin with, attach his leash or handle so
that he can't get away. Start with a new toy, or a toy that only generates mild
interest. Offer it to him, and after he takes it, immediately command him to
"give". Offer him a very tasty treat such as cheese, liver, hot dog, or steak in
exchange for the toy. Most dogs will give up the toy and take the treat. If he
doesn't, take the toy out of his mouth.
If he growls, a good shake correction is in order. The theory is that the dog learns that a growl elicits a shake correction, and release of the object results in a treat. Practice the training frequently, gradually working up to objects of higher value for the dog, ending with the bone.
If you give the dog bones to chew on, they should only be knuckle bones.
Knuckle bones do not splinter, and the large bone is too big for the dog to
swallow. Other meat bones or their splinters can cause damage. Give your dog
rawhides only under supervision because dogs have been known to swallow and
choke on them. As the rawhide softened from chewing, your dog may try to
swallow it whole, and it could get caught in his throat.
There are many shapes of rawhides to choose from and most dogs tend to only
choke on the square or round chews. Most dogs seem to do much better with
the rectangle shaped rawhides. Regardless, never leave your dogs
unsupervised with a rawhide. Nylabones may be a good choice when no one is
around to supervise the dog. These plastic bones do not break and can not be
swallowed. Unfortunately, many dogs do not find the Nylabones especially tasty,
although recently, the manufacturer has developed a flavored Nylabone that
seems to be more appealing. You might also try to improve the flavor of a
Nylabone by soaking it in meat broth.